Union Home Minister Amit Shah praised the honesty of a Jammu and Kashmir Police Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) and a Head Constable (HC) who tracked down a woman pilgrim and returned her misplaced bag carrying Rs 80,000 and some documents.

Shah moved to Twitter to praise the two Jammu and Kashmir Police officers, calling their actions “true heroism.”

“True heroism lies in our acts of honor and honesty that leave an indelible mark on the lives we touch. ASI Darshan Kumar and HC Satpal of the J&K Police proved this saying correct. They found a bag that contained Rs 80,000, a mobile phone, and Yatra documents. They traced out its owner, a pilgrim, and handed it over to her. I appreciate them for being an example of integrity,” Shah tweeted.

The tweet also included images of two police officers handing over the bag to a pilgrim who had arrived in the Union Territory to pray at the sacred Amarnath cave pilgrimage, which is located at an altitude of 3,888 meters in the south Kashmir Himalayas.