MUMBAI: No pain, no gain is an old saying which holds absolutely true for Amit Sadh. While the actor has been entertaining the audience with his power-packed performances since a long time, his next seems to break the record even further. Amit will be seen in his upcoming web series ‘Zidd’, costarring Amrita Puri. He has gone through an extensively rigorous regime to gear up for his role as Major Deependra Singh Sengar, Special Forces officer. The series is inspired by true events and traces the physical and emotional struggle of a war hero left paralysed waist down after the Kargil war. Amit’s back bruises are a testament of his dedication towards the role.

Amit shared, “I have put my heart and soul in this role. It was one of the most extremely challenging characters I’d to play and you will soon see why. I already had huge respect for our Indian Army and soldiers but after going through their fitness regime, I realised what it truly feels like to be a soldier.” The show’s trailer was released earlier and received immense love and support from the audience who are looking forward to watch Amit ace his new character.