AR Rahman on Thursday took to his official Twitter handle and highlighted communal harmony while reacting to a “Kerala Story.” He has reacted to a video on Twitter which shows a Hindu wedding ceremony being held inside a mosque. For the unversed, his tweet came a day before the release of The Kerala Story. Rahman retweeted the video.
Have a look
The video shows a Hindu couple dressed as bride and groom, tying the knot as per Hindu customs in a mosque in Kerala’s Alappuzha city. The bride’s mother had approached the mosque’s committee for help, and the mosque authority not just agreed to host the wedding but also gifted the bride gold and cash.
Meanwhile, the film released in theatres on Friday. Starring Adah Sharma, The Kerala Story is written and directed by Sudipto Sen, and produced by Vipul Amrutlal Shah. The film claims to be inspired by true stories and that 32,000 women from Kerala were converted to Islam.
Sudipto Sen’s directorial has been creating headlines ever since its trailer was launched. The film revolves around the stories of Hindu women of Kerala who were converted to Islam and trafficked to ISIS and other Islamic war zones in 2018-2019. The trailer of the film triggered protests along with some political parties calling for a ban on the screening of the film.