The gorgeous ‘Pathaan’ actress Deepika Padukone has often turned heads when she makes a public appearance. However, it is her airport looks that have curved a separate fan base. Deepika has a love for oversized clothes that serve comfort and style at the same time. The ‘Pathaan’ actress was spotted at the Mumbai airport on Tuesday early morning. Deepika made a major style statement in a long camouflage jacket with a bright orange hood and carried the oversized jacket like a pro. She completed her look with a Louis Vuitton tote bag, a pair of white sneakers, a top knot hairdo, sunglasses, and minimal make-up.
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Meanwhile, on the professional front, the actress was last seen in Pathaan. The film has emerged as one of the all-time highest-grossing projects. Now, she has a massive line-up of highly promising projects. Currently, she is shooting for Siddharth Anand’s Fighter. The film will mark her first onscreen collaboration with Hrithik Roshan. Apart from this, she is making her Telugu debut with Project K. In the film, she is sharing the screen with Prabhas. The film is expected to hit the theatres in January 2024 as a Makar Sankranti special release.
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