Amid rumours of his divorce from Sophie Turner, Joe Jonas was seen wearing his wedding ring in his recent Instagram picture. Fans attending the Jonas Brothers concert on Sunday night shared pictures from the memorable night. In the pictures, he was seen wearing his wedding ring. In another picture, Joe was seen seated with Nick and Kevin. In the caption of his post, he wrote, “Happy Labor Day weekend everyone. This tour has be incredible so far! Having a little family time in the Texas sunset tonight before a big Austin show tomorrow.”
Take a look at Joe Jonas’s Instagram post
Reacting to his Instagram post, one of the fans wrote, “THERES THE WEDDING RING JOE ❤️❤️.” Another wrote, “I love how we all just went looking for his ring.” A third fan wrote, “Joe with his ring back on.” A fourth fan wrote, “He literally has his wedding ring on can people stop.” Another commented, “Joe’s wearing his wedding ring in this photo so everyone can chill the f**k out.”
Stay tuned for more such stories.
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