Bollywood actress Ameesha Patel shared that when Gadar 2 was under production, many people had questioned whether people would go watch the film.

In a conversation with Bollywood Hungama, the actress revealed that many people had doubts and questioned whether people will go to theatres to watch Gadar 2. Ameesha said, “When Gadar 2 was under production, many people had written off Gadar 2 just like they did during the release of Gadar 1. There’s too much similarity that happens I think when it comes to the brand Gadar. And many questioned, ‘Will people go?”

 The actress said some people told her she shouldn’t expect Gadar 2 to work as well as Gadar did. “This was said by people within the industry and outside it. Even friends and family told me this. I know that a lot of people had doubts and stuff.”

Helmed by Anil Sharma, ‘Gadar 2′ is a sequel to the hit film which was released in theatres in 2001. In the film. Sunny Deol played the role of Tara, a truck driver, while Ameesha Patel played Sakina in the film that was set during the partition of India in 1947. ‘Gadar 2’ follows Tara Singh as he ventures across the border in a daring attempt to rescue his son, portrayed by Utkarsh Sharma, who has been captured in Pakistan.