Akal Takht Jathedar Giani Harpreet Singh on Friday said all sections of society are living in peace and brotherhood in the state, while cautioning about evil designs of anti-Punjab forces to project it as a disturbed state. He was addressing public on the occasion of Baisakhi from Takht Damdama Sahib in Talwandi Sabo here.
The Jathedar of Akal Takht, which is the supreme temporal seat of the Sikhs, said all sections of society are living with peace and brotherhood in Punjab.
He, however, cautioned about evil designs of anti-Punjab forces to project it as a disturbed state. On the occasion, he urged the ‘sangat’ to follow teachings of the Sikh Gurus. He also said carrying a sword is an integral part of the Sikh tradition, but a section was lobbying to prohibit it.”Sikhs must keep swords to follow the religious tradition”. The Jathedar was happy to note that a large number of people had turned up despite high security checks at the holy place to celebrate ‘Khalsa Sajna Diwas’ and appealed to the community to fight against intoxicants in society and follow the messages of the Sikh gurus. Baisakhi, one of Punjab’s biggest festivals in north India, marks the foundation day of the ‘Khalsa Panth’ (Sikh order) by the tenth Sikh Guru Gobind Singh. It also marks the onset of harvest season.
People across Punjab offered prayers at gurdwaras on Friday to mark the
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