Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal on Monday directed the officers concerned that the data of all the employees including that of boards, corporations, universities, etc, should be uploaded on the Human Resource Management System (HRMS) by the concerned Nodal Officers by 30 November 2020.

Besides this, the Chief Minister also directed the officers to build an online reservation roster system and an automatic requisition system board for the purpose to send the indent to recruitment authorities of vacant posts of direct recruitment.

The Chief Minister was presiding over the review meeting of HRMS held on Monday. Various issues about the benefit and welfare of employees were discussed in the meeting. In the meeting, for the timely disposal of cases of extension in service beyond the age of 50/55 years, the Chief Minister also directed that all the departments should use HRMS to ensure decisions on such cases well in advance.

Apart from this, the HRMS system shall ensure to grant ACP benefit to the employees on completion of satisfactory service without any delay, the Chief Minister directed further.

At present about ACP of 8,000 employees is overdue. This system will also inform the Heads of departments about the number of employees whose ACP is due during the period of the next three months.

The Chief Minister was apprised that the transfer orders will be issued through HRMS only otherwise the same will not be valid and no relieving and joining report will be generated by the system. Even temporary transfer within the Department for a limited period will also be made through HRMS.

It was further informed that training on HRMS should be conducted for Nodal Officers and other interested employees of all Departments so that necessary data of all the employees may be uploaded and updated timely. A workflow-based system should be made on HRMS to seek permission to acquire/sale of immovable property and also to enter the same in annual property returns.

Ravinder Malik

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