MUMBAI: Actor Alia Bhatt has completed shooting for Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Gangubai Kathiawadi. Taking to her Instagram handle, Alia shared a string of photographs from the sets and announced the warp-up by penning an endearing note in the caption. “We started shooting Gangubai on the 8th of December 2019… and we wrapped the film now 2 years later! This film and set have been through two lockdowns, two cyclones, director and actor getting Covid during the making,” Alia wrote.

She added, “Being directed by sir has been a dream all my life, but I don’t think anything would have prepared me for the journey I was on for these two years… I walk out of this set a diff person today! I love you sir!”

Cinephiles have been excited about the film ever since the captivating teaser of ‘Gangubai Kathiawadi’ was released in February. Starring Alia in the lead role, Bhansali’s directorial Gangubai Kathiawadi is on the list of one of the most awaited films made this year.

The thrilling teaser of the film features Alia portraying an eponymous character in the flick. The teaser is set in a theme where the 27-year-old named Gangubai Kothewali, a brothel owner and matriarch from Kathiawad had no choice but to embrace the ways of destiny and swing it in her favour. She is transformed from a brothel queen to a politician.

‘Gangubai Kathiawadi’ will release theatrically once the current pandemic situation in the country eases.


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