MUMBAI: Actress Alia Bhatt has watched Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani’s recent release, ‘Shershaah’ and she just cannot stop gushing over it. The actress took to social media to praise the actors and the makers. She went on to congratulate the entire team on the film’s success.Alia shared ex-beau Sidharth’s post on her Instagram story and penned a long note. She wrote, “Must must must watch! This film has made me laugh and cry and everything more.” Further praising Sidharth, she wrote, “@sidmalhotra you were too too special yaa! So so moving! And @kiaraaliaadvani my beautiful, you really just shine right through! Congratulations to the whole team and the entire cast. Such a lovely film!”
The rumoured couple Sidharth and Kiara are being appreciated for their performances across all quarters. Their friends from the industry and fans have been sharing rave reviews on social media.
Meanwhile, Sidharth, who played the role of Captain Vikram Batra, has shared a heartfelt post on the occasion of Independence Day. Paying a tribute to Vikram Batra and other ‘Fauji heroes’, the actor wrote, “Paid my respects to Captain Vikram Batra & all other Fauji heroes in Delhi. The warmth and fondness with which he writes to his loved ones… while at war! That’s the extraordinary mettle a soldier is made of. When I read this letter… I could see Vikram in front of my eyes! Smiling, as he writes… with bombs dropping in the background. Like he found a quiet corner to take time out. But when he’ll go back to work, it’s lethal… he’s going to fight for his country… until his last breath. But there isn’t just one Vikram. In Kargil alone, we lost 527 Vikrams. They lived life – Yeh Dil Maange More! Let’s fill our hearts with pride as we remember every sainik today. JAI HIND. Happy 75th Independence Day.”