Celebrity couple Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor are celebrating their first wedding anniversary today. To mark the day, the gorgeous actress took to Instagram and shared three unseen pictures. In the caption of her post, she wrote, “Happy day.” The first picture is from their Haldi ceremony, the second one is from the time RK proposed to Alia in Maasai Mara, and the third picture seems quite recent. In the picture, the gorgeous couple is embracing each other with a smile.
Take a look at Alia Bhatt’s Instagram post
Their fans and friends congratulate them on their special day. Filmmaker Zoya Akhtar dropped a bunch of heart emojis. On the other hand, TV actress Gauahar Khan also wished them. Fans called them Shiva and Isha in the comments section. Many dropped red-heart emojis on her post.
Earlier in the day, Alia’s mom, Soni Razdan, shared a few pictures from the wedding. Ranbir Kapoor’s mom Neetu Kapoor also took to her Instagram stories and shared a picture from the wedding. The gorgeous actress had previously opened up about Ranbir’s proposal on Bollywood ace filmmaker Karan Johar’s chat show Koffee with Karan.
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