On the 41st birthday of Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt shared a couple of unseen pictures to share a lovely birthday post for her ‘love’. Her Instagram post was accompanied by a witty yet romantic post as she wrote, “my love.. my best friend.. my happiest place..as you read this caption from your secret account sitting right next to me ..(with a wide smile emoji?) all I’d like to say is..happy birthday baby… you make it ALL magical (followed by infinity, sparkles and red heart emoji).”
Take a look at Alia Bhatt’s Instagram post
Soon after the post was shared, the comment section was flooded with birthday wishes.
Have a look
For the unversed, after dating for a few years, they sealed the deal after they got married in 2022. Their wedding ceremony was an extremely intimate affair. The gorgeous couple is blessed with a daughter, Raha.
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