Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt shared insights about her upcoming project, Jigra, directed by Vasan Bala. The actress also shed light on her role as a producer, explaining the motivations behind taking on this responsibility.

Alia told Film Companion, “I believe stories are everywhere, and stories are everything! I turned producer with Eternal Sunshine to tell some of these stories, ones that evoke emotions and leave an impact. Our first production, Darlings, got so much love that it was exciting and overwhelming at the same time.” Divulging details of Jigra, the talented actress shared, “Just a little over a year later, we are ready to launch our second production – Jigra, a beautiful story of courage, passion and determination. I hope to consistently support compelling narratives that are authentic, and enduringly timeless and work with brilliant creative minds to bring them alive.”



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