The gorgeous Alia Bhatt, in a recent interview, revealed the reason behind opting for a saree instead of lehenga on her wedding with Ranbir Kapoor. She opted for an ivory Sabyasachi saree. Alia told Vogue, “I love a saree. It’s the most comfortable garment in the world, which is why I wore one for my wedding and not a lehenga.”
Further, she shared, “You should celebrate the side of you that you feel is leading in that moment—whether that’s a saree, a super easy street-style vibe or an over-the-top gown. I believe the beauty of being a woman is that you can wear all these different clothes all the time. I can wear a pantsuit. I can wear a gown. One of the strongest aspects of this is that our wardrobe is so dynamic. I think that’s a great thing and one should celebrate it.”
For the unversed, Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor got hitched on April 14, 2022, at their Vastu residence in Mumbai.