The gorgeous Alia Bhatt is one of the top actresses in Bollywood. In a recent interview, the actress talked about her parents Soni Razdan and Mahesh Bhatt’s struggles in life. In a conversation with Elle US, she recalled, “He [Mahesh Bhatt] had a bunch of flops at one point; he barely had any money, and he was battling an addiction to alcohol.” Further, she mentioned, “My parents struggled to get to a point where I could enjoy their privilege. I do recognize that.”
The talented actress added that if tomorrow, she stopped getting films, she will always acknowledge that she got great opportunities, and will never complain.
The actress also spoke about her mom Soni Razdan’s journey. She said that her mom had no connection to films, and would go to theaters, film and television studios to audition. Also, Soni Razdan was not fluent in Hindi, making it difficult for her. The actress said that her mom never became a mainstream heroine, but worked really hard. For her, no job was too small, and she would take up any opportunity to act that came her way.