MUMBAI: Bollywood star Alia Bhatt on Monday announced the launch of her production house ‘Eternal Sunshine Productions.’ The actress unveiled on Instagram the logo of her production house that seems intriguing and showcases her eternal love for cats. Alia is very fond of cats, and she often shares charming pictures of her pets on social media.
Within a couple of minutes of the post, the ‘Highway’ star received a lot of love and support for her new venture, in the form of comments. Alia’s mother Soni Razdan commented, “Super duper proud”. Filmmaker Karan Johar went all out to encourage her and shared, “You go girl”.
On the work front, Alia left her fans stunned in her never-seen-before avatar in Gangubai Kathiawadi. Based on the book Mafia Queens of Mumbai written by S. Hussain Zaidi, the film showcases the rise of a girl named Gangubai Kothewali, a brothel owner and matriarch from Kathiawad who had no choice but to embrace the ways of destiny and swing it in her favour. The film marks the first collaboration between Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Alia and is scheduled to hit the big screens on 30 July 2021.