MUMBAI: Whenever Alia Bhatt posts anything on her social media handle, her fans make it go viral. Be it her updates from set or a new film announcement, Alia›s photos and videos often impress fans of the actress and leave them in awe. The Gangubai Kathiawadi star also has a YouTube channel by the name of ‘AliaBe’ and often, she shares a sneak peek of the videos she is about to share on the same via her Instagram handle. On Thursday, Alia kept up with the same routine and shared a video teaser where she was all set to introduce her best friend. Well, and surprisingly, it may not be who you are thinking about.
Taking to Instagram reels, Alia shared a glimpse of her upcoming YouTube video in which she is going to introduce her fans to her best friend. Still wondering what it is? Well, it is none other than Alia’s ‘skincare bag’. The RRR actress is seen opening up her makeup bag in the video and sharing with her fans the products she uses to keep her skin healthy and glowing. Alia seemed excited to share the information with her fans as she revealed that the full video would be out on Saturday. Sharing the video, Alia wrote, “But first, skincare New YouTube video coming this Saturday!”
As soon as Alia shared the teaser of her upcoming video, fans began showering love on the RRR actress. A fan wrote, “Yayy Finally.” Another fan wrote, “Awesome.” Another expressed in a comment, “So naturally beautifully.” Meanwhile, recently, Alia jetted off to resume shooting for RRR with Ram Charan and Jr NTR.
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