After claiming festive releases like Diwali, Christmas, Independence Day and more, actor Akshay Kumar on Monday announced his new film on the occasion of Rakhi. Titled Raksha Bandhan, the film will feature Akshay as a doting brother. In the first look poster of the film, which released today, the superstar can be seen hugging his 4 on-screen sisters. The tagline of the film reads, “Bass Behne deti hai 100% return.”
Directed by Aanand L. Rai, penned by Himanshu Sharma, Raksha Bandhan is slated to hit the theatrical screens next year on 5 November. The film marks Akshay Kumar and Aanand L. Rai’s second collaboration after Atrangi Re, which also stars Sara Ali Khan and Dhanush.
Akshay Kumar said, “A story that touches your heart so deeply and so instantly, it’s the quickest I’ve signed a film in my career. Dedicating this film, Raksha Bandhan, to my sister, Alka, and to the most special bond in the world… that of a brother and sister.”
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