Superstar Akshay Kumar confirmed on Wednesday that his upcoming horror- comedy, ‘Laxmmi Bomb’, will premiere digitally on 9 November, on the occasion of Diwali. “Iss Diwali aapke gharon mein “laxmmi” ke saath ek dhamakedar “bomb” bhi aayega. Aa rahi hai #LaxmmiBomb 9th November ko, only on @ DisneyPlusHSVIP! Get ready for a mad ride kyunki #YehDiwaliLaxmmiBombWaali,” tweeted Akshay.
He also shared a teaser video of his transformation from Laxman to Laxmmi in the film. The teaser opens with a caption, “When the outcast becomes outraged”, with Akshay appearing as a moustached man who transforms into a transgender. “Aaj se tera naam Laxman nahi, Laxmmi Hoga (your name isn’t Laxman but Laxmmi from today),” a voice says in the background. In the clip, a bleeding wound is seen forming at the centre of Akshay’s forehead as he transforms.
The film is a remake of Tamil blockbuster ‘Muni 2: Kanchana’. Raghava Lawrence, who had helmed the original, also helms the Bollywood remake, co-starring Kiara Advani, Tusshar Kapoor, Sharad Kelkar, and Ashwini Kalsekar.