MUMBAI: Akshay Kumar along with Kriti Sanon and Jacqueline Fernandez began shooting for their upcoming film ‘Bachchan Pandey’ in Jaisalmer on Wednesday. The shoot will continue till March. The team is expected to shoot at places like the Gadisar Lake and Jaisalkot. Kriti shared pictures with the production team on Instagram and wrote, “1st Day of 1st film shoot in 2021!! With the production that gave me my very 1st film! (grinning face emoticon) #BachchanPandey Here we go…” Updating about the film, trade analyst Taran Adarsh tweeted: “BACHCHAN PANDEY… Subhan and Sufyan – #SajidNadiadwala’s sons give clap for the first shot of #BachchanPandey. Shoot starts in #Jaisalmer. Stars #AkshayKumar, #ArshadWarsi, #JacquelineFernandez, #KritiSanon, #PrateikBabbar and #PankajTripathi… Directed by #FarhadSamji.” In the Farhad Samji directorial, Akshay plays a gangster who aspires to be an actor, while Kriti plays a journalist who wishes to be a director. The film also stars Arshad Warsi who plays the role of Akshay Kumar’s friend. Meanwhile, Akshay Kumar’s upcoming releases include Rohit Shetty’s cop action-drama ‘Sooryavanshi’ and a spy thriller titled ‘Bell Bottom’ directed by Ranjit Tiwari. While Akshay romances Katrina Kaif in ‘Sooryavanshi’, ‘Bell Bottom’ features Vaani Kapoor in the female lead.
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