NEW DELHI: After wrapping up Bachchan Pandey, Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar is all set to visit Ayodhya to start shoot for his next flick ‘Ram Setu’. The actor, along with director Abhishek Sharma, will fly to Ayodhya on 18 March to give the mahurat shot of the film from Ram Janmabhoomi. While Akshay is away for a family vacation in the Maldives, he will dive back to work as soon as he gets back. The film’s director tells that the shoot is spread across multiple schedules over the next few months and 80 per cent of the film will be shot in Mumbai. Sharma also revealed that the actor will be seen in a never seen before avatar. “Akshay sir will play an archaeologist and his look and character is inspired by several Indian and international professional archaeologists who work in the field. in terms of both look and character, a Akshay sir’s fans are in for a totally new avatar of his,” Sharma told.