Akanksha Puri, who played Maa Parvati in ‘Vighnaharta Ganesha’, has again hit it big with the news of romancing Randeep Hooda in her next. The actress has confirmed her new web series which is soon to be revealed. Not only this, the diva will be seen romancing Randeep in her about to be unveiled web series. When asked about the same, Akanksha said, “Getting the project was a cake but getting to work with Randeep Hooda is surely a cherry on the cake. What an incredible experience it was and what an honour too to work with such an ace, versatile and talented actor. I have been looking forward to this performance and I am truly blessed and grateful to have gotten a chance to share screen with him. I can’t wait for my fans to watch this web series as the role is not only different from what they have witnessed before but is far more exciting too. I feel blissful and happy.” Akanksha has starred in the Tamil film ‘Action’ directed by Sundar C. as well as the Bollywood film ‘Calendar Girls’ directed by Madhur Bhandarkar.
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