Delhi-based fashion designer Nitya Bajaj’s, outfits have been worn by Bollywood celebrities like Kriti Sanon, Samantha Prabhu, Alia Bhatt and others. She works closely with the craft of Gujarat called Ajrakh and is working towards its revival and sustenance. Having completed 10 years in the industry, she recently launched a collection named Ajrakh, where she showcased a wide variety of Ajrakh, inspired outfits for men and women and kids. She had also participated in many fashion weeks and shows across the world.
Q. Tell us about your latest collection, Ajrakh by Nitya Bajaj
A. Ajrakh is a unique form of block prints found mostly in Sindh, Pakistan and Ajrakhpur, Kutch District, India. Special designs and prints are made using Block Printing by stamps undergoing eight washes. Over the years, Ajrakh has become a symbol of pride of Sindhi culture and traditions.
‘Ajrakh by Nitya Bajaj’ is a tribute to this craft and support to these clusters in Gujarat.
Q. What is the inspiration and concept behind the collection?
A. The craft in itself and multiple layers to its process is fascinating. It’s organic, time consuming, sustainable and extensive but very satisfying! It inspired me to introduce this traditional art passed on from its cluster from generation to another in a new modern way with Nitya Bajaj signature.
Q. Where did the inspiration for the name “Ajrak” come from? What is the meaning behind it?
A. Ajrakh is a traditional art of Block print from Singh and Kutch districts. It’s a symbol of pride and respect for its men and glory for their women. Mostly found in Ajrakhur, Kutch district, India, It derives its name, making it a representation of its culture and traditions.
Q. What fabrics and materials are used in the making of the collection?
A. Mostly used in ‘Kora’ cotton, special designs are made using block printing by stamps undergoing eight washes. The entire process is hand done, using organic materials like vegetable dyes, iron ore, mustard and cowdung. Besides cotton, Silk, Modal silk, Satin Silk, Chanderi Silk, Cotton Gauze, Mulmul, Linen, Satin and even Net are introduced in our collection.
Hues and colours used:
The Process of Ajrakh involves natural dyes and vegetable colors. Colors like Brick Red, Black, Indigo nd Ivory are the main colors found in Ajrakh. However, At Nitya Bajaj, we tried experimenting variations of Red, from Rust to Brick Red, to Crimson, Deep red and Maroon. We also tried introducing variations in Black by adding tones of Indigo. A new tone of Olive, Moss green was developed which adds to the mature palette!
Neck and sleeves styles:
Keeping the upcoming festive season in mind, We have tried to make wider necklines with feminine cuts, to flatter collarbones and enhance jewelry to complete the look.
Q. How is this collection different from the previous ones?
A. This is label Nitya Bajaj’s first step into festive couture. The brand has been known for its occasion wear and luxe western wear but its the first time, we have dug into our Indian culture and crafts and introduced it in our way
Q. What are the different categories and styles in the collection?
A. Label Nitya Bajaj is known for its luxury womenswear. Its the first time, we have ventured into menswear and are proud to introduce this craft of Ajrakh to men too! The collection also will have its miniature versions for our Nitya Bajaj kidswear. The ajrakh collection is available for Women, Men and Kids!
Q. Please share a designer’s quote
A. ‘I am so proud to be representing my hardworking clusters of Kutch through this collection. This entire journey has been a wholesome learning experience and truly a tribute to my incredible India!
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