MUMBAI: Ajay Devgn and Kajol are celebrating one year of their film ‘Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior’, which was the biggest Bollywood hit before the coronavirus crisis led to the shutdown of theatres. “‘Tanhaji-The Unsung Hero’ helped ADFFILMS and me begin last year with a box office bang. Due to the Pandemic, the rest of 2020 remained a blur. A year on, I’m taking time to celebrate this brave warrior again. Here’s to my co-actors, director and entire cast, and crew,” Ajay wrote on Twitter on Sunday. He also shared a video montage of the movie. Actress and his wife Kajol shared the same message on her wall, writing “The longest year ever … #1YearOfTanhaji.” –MUMBAI: Ajay Devgn and Kajol are celebrating one year of their film ‘Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior’, which was the biggest Bollywood hit before the coronavirus crisis led to the shutdown of theatres. “‘Tanhaji-The Unsung Hero’ helped ADFFILMS and me begin last year with a box office bang. Due to the Pandemic, the rest of 2020 remained a blur. A year on, I’m taking time to celebrate this brave warrior again. Here’s to my co-actors, director and entire cast, and crew,” Ajay wrote on Twitter on Sunday. He also shared a video montage of the movie. Actress and his wife Kajol shared the same message on her wall, writing “The longest year ever … #1YearOfTanhaji.” –