Minister of Civil Aviation Jyotiraditya Scindia on Sunday said the days are not too far when air traffic would surpass the railways passenger traffic. Praising the continuous efforts of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi to make the air travel affordable for commoners, the minister also said the government has been able to establish an eco-system where many now prefer air travel than other mode of transportation.
Scindia was addressing ‘Manch’, a flagship programme by India News, in Gwalior on Sunday.
He said, “The motto of the Prime Minister was to set up an affordable system in the civil aviation industry where people, more precisely common people, can be able to fly. From the very beginning, it was in his mind that air travel should not only for rich.”
“Think about what used to happen 10-15 years back. The prices were high, there were few flights and routes. Such things have been reversed in just a few years.”
“At this moment while the difference between rail tavel and air travel is quite significant, the days are not too far when air travel would be most preferred mode of travel surpassing rail travel. Why I am saying so? At this moment, the air traffic has been growing at a pace of 10 per cent—much higher than railways passenger traffic.”
Our motto is to take the air travel to every home through inclusivity and affordability, the minister added.
On the question of why the government will not regulate airfare anymore and giving the airlines a free hand to fix fare, the minister said that the government’s job is not to regulate an industry. “Our job is to create an eco-system, a conducive atmosphere for all stakeholder. We are precisely doing that.”
The cap was introduced keeping in view of Covid where there was possibility that various parties can take opportunity of the situation and that may distort the price structure, he said. “The situation is not like this now, so we have withdrawn the cap from 31 August.”
On the lumpy skin disease, the minister said that the government is keeping a tab on this and working with the states to contain the disease.
On the issue of translocation of cheeta to Madhya Pradesh that led to criticism by Congress leader Kamal Nath, the minister said politicians affiliated with Congress are expert in political tourism. “It was because of that I left Congress as I found the party has not been doing its job, nor it connecting the people. I am in politics to serve the people which was not possible in Congress anymore.”