The Delhi Police’s Intelligence Fusion and Strategic Operations unit has written a letter to Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) seeking information on Chinese hackers through Interpol in connection with AIIMS server hack case. The Delhi Police has sought the information on IP addresses of the e-mail ids from China and Hong Kong.

“Intelligence Fusion and Strategic Operations (IFSO) of Delhi Police has written to CBI asking them to get details from Interpol about IP addresses of the email IDs from Henan in China and Hong Kong that were used to launch the cyber attack. Since CBI is the nodal agency,letter written to them,” Delhi Police said in a statement.

The digital services of AIIMS were hacked by Cyber criminals and allegedly compromised the data of patients and reportedly demanded Rs 200 crore in cryptocurrency. According to the sources, the hack is suspected to have originated from China following which the server of the prestigious institute was down for several days and services were also hampered especially outpatient department (OPD) and sample collecting services. The Intelligence Fusion and Strategic Operations (IFSO) unit of the Delhi Police registered a case of extortion  and cyber terrorism on 25th November.  Internet services at AIIMS were also blocked as per the recommendations of the investigating agencies.

According to the officials, the hackers successfully invaded the five physical servers out of the 100 servers amongst which 40 are physical and 60 are virtual servers. However data has been retrieved from an unaffected backup server and most of the services have also been restored.