As Tamil Nadu inches closer to the state election, rifts between the AIADMK and its alliance partners are very much visible and out in the open. Only days after the DMDK’s treasurer hinted that the party is willing to contest alone, the BJP’s state in-charge and national general secretary Muralidhar Rao has also been quoted saying that the party will be heading the alliance for the 2021 elections in Tamil Nadu.
The fissures between the AIADMK and the BJP came to the fore after the BJP state vice president said that the next election will be fought between the DMK and the BJP and not the AIADMK and the DMK. The comment was however watered down by the AIADMK functionaries, stating that it will matter only if it is made by the BJP high command. But, BJP leaders continue to claim that they will be heading the alliance for the 2021 elections.
While replying to the comments made by Muralidhar Rao, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi Palaniswami has said that the age-old practice of the AIADMK heading the elections will continue and talks regarding the alliance will be discussed only when the elections are nearing. AIADMK minister Jayakumar has also categorically clarified that “as far as Tamil Nadu is concerned, AIADMK will continue to head the alliance for 2021 elections undoubtedly.”
Reacting to the developments, BJP spokesperson Narayanan Tirupathi says, “It is natural for any political party to aspire to capture the power and rule the state. As far as the alliance is concerned, BJP will enter into an alliance with the like-minded parties and other modalities will be worked only when the elections are nearing.”
These exchanges between the alliance partners raise a question about the longevity of the alliance. Political pundits in the state observe that the AIADMK house is already divided over continuing the alliance with BJP for the 2021 elections and in all possibilities, any major alliances in the state will be headed either by the DMK or the AIADMK. All the comments that are being raised now are only to increase their bargaining chips during the seat-sharing process.
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