Just ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, Punjab’s BJP made a significant announcement on Friday. The appointment of 35 district presidents and 48 officials has been declared. According to the released list, Union Minister Som Prakash has been appointed as the chairman of the disciplinary committee, while Bakshi Ram Arora and NK Verma have been made members. Punjab BJP State President Sunil Jakhar announced the names of 35 district heads and 48 officials in the state on Friday. As part of this, Vinit Joshi has been appointed as the state convener of the media cell. Additionally, appointments have been made for five other cell conveners, two spokespersons, and two state panelists. The list released on Friday also includes the appointment of Union Minister Som Prakash as the chairman of the disciplinary committee and the inclusion of Bakshi Ram Arora and NK Verma as members.
Ranjam Kamra as the coordinator for various cells in the state, Ajay Aroda as the social media convener, Vinit Joshi as the media management cell convener, SS Channi as the electronic media coordinator, Ankit Sharma as the coordinator for the deputy chief’s office, Rajiv Katna and Amit Gosai as spokespersons, Sanjeev Sheru Sachdeva and Gurcharan Singh as state panelists, and KK Malhotra as the municipal cell convener have also been appointed.
Leaders appointed for district command
As district heads, Manjeet Singh Mann has been appointed for Amritsar Rural, Harvinder Singh Sandhu for Amritsar City, Yadwinder Singh Shanti for Barnala, Harsimran Singh Valiya for Batala, Ravipreet Singh Siddhu for Bathinda Rural, Saroop Chand Singla for Bathinda City, Gaurav Kakkar for Ferozepur, Deedar Singh Bhatti for Sri Fatehgarh Sahib, Sukhwinder Pal Singh Kaka for Fazilka, Shamsher Singh for Firozpur, Shivvir Rajan for Gurdaspur, Nipun Sharma for Hoshiarpur, Ajay Kaushal Sethu for Hoshiarpur Rural, Inderpal Singh Dhaliwal for Jagraon, Sushil Sharma for Jalandhar, Ranjit Singh Pawar for Jalandhar Rural North, Munish Dhir for Jalandhar Rural South, Ranjit Singh Khajewal for Kapurthala, Bhupinder Singh Chhima for Khanna, Raminder Singh Sangowal for Ludhiana Rural, Rajneesh Dhiman for Ludhiana City, Aman Thapar for Malerkotla, Rakesh Jain for Mansa, Seemant Garg for Moga, Sanjeev Vashist for Mohali, Satish Asija for Muktsar, Rajwinder Singh Lakki for Nawanshahr, Vijay Sharma for Pathankot, Jaspal Singh Gagroli for Patiala North, Harmesh Goyal for Patiala South, Sanjeev Bittu for Patiala City, Ajayveer Singh Lalpura for Ropar, Dharminder Singh Sangrur-1, Amrit Singh Chadda for Sangrur-2, and Harjeet Singh for Tarn Taran have been appointed as district heads.