In the first semi-final clash of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department North Zone Hockey Tournament hosted by Chandigarh, the Accountant General (AG) Delhi emerged victorious over AG Uttar Pradesh with an impressive 8-1 triumph, securing their spot in the finals. AG UP initially took the lead in the 13th minute with Imran Khan Jr. scoring the first goal.

However, Delhi’s Neelam Sanjeep equalized the score at 1-1 in the 23rd minute. Delhi continued to dominate, with Vishal Singh contributing two goals in the 27th and 30th minutes, leading his team to a 3-1 advantage. The momentum stayed with Delhi as they added two more goals, courtesy of Nitin Mukesh Tigga and Navneet Swarnkar.
In the 47th minute, Vishal Dahiya extended Delhi’s lead to 5-1. Mithlesh Kumar and Vishal Singh further widened the gap with goals in the 54th and 58th minutes, respectively, securing Delhi’s commanding 8-1 victory. The match, officiated by international umpires Harpreet Singh Gill and Gaurav Mehta, showcased Delhi’s dominance.

In the afternoon, the second semi-final unfolded between arch-rivals AG Punjab and AG Haryana, providing an intense contest. Parvinder Singh of AG Punjab showcased exceptional hockey skills, scoring the opening goal in the 5th minute. Sandeep Singh added another goal in the 14th minute, securing a 2-0 lead for AG Punjab. In the 34th minute, Parvinder Singh netted his second goal, solidifying AG Punjab’s lead to 3-0.

Despite AG Haryana’s aggressive efforts in the second half, AG Punjab’s goalkeeper Ranyodh Singh and defenders Chandeep Singh and Gurdeep Singh thwarted all attempts, ultimately securing a 3-0 victory for AG Punjab. The match, overseen by international umpires Meenakshi Sundaram and Rajesh Chaudhary, highlighted AG Punjab’s defensive prowess.

The final showdown between AG Punjab and AG Delhi is scheduled for February 3, 2024, at 10:30 am. The anticipated prize distribution ceremony will feature the esteemed presence of Rajpal Singh, former captain of the Indian hockey team and Arjuna Award recipient.