A couple of days ago, reports of Amitabh Bachchan buying a new property worth Rs 32 crore was published in media and now, we hear that actor Ajay Devgn has also followed Big B’s footstep. Reports have confirmed that Ajay Devgn has purchased a new abode worth Rs 60 crore in the Juhu area of Mumbai. The bungalow is in the vicinity of Kajol and his current residence Shakti.
It seems like the pandemic has not stopped Bollywood celebs from investing in luxurious properties in and around Mumbai. The new bungalow is spread over the area of 590 sq yards and Ajay’s representative confirmed the report. It is being said that from the past year, Ajay and Kajol have been looking for a new home in Mumbai and found one in their locality itself.
Devgn has already got the possession and started with the renovation work at the new bungalow. The deal was finalised in November last year and the property has been transferred in the name of Ajay and his mother Veena Virendra Devgan.
Ajay plays the lead role in ‘Maidaan’, ‘Bhuj: The Pride of India’ and ‘Thank God’. Devgn also announced his upcoming directorial ‘Mayday’ in which he plays leading role alongside Amitabh Bachchan and Rakul Preet Singh.
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