Bollywood actor Aftab Shivdasani and his wife Nin Dusanj Shivdasani launched their production company, Mount Zen Media, which aims to tell good stories and make quality content high on entertainment

Speaking on his new venture, Aftab said, “We are very excited to announce our company as we have been wanting to get into production for a long time. These are exciting times to develop content that is cutting edge, contemporary, and appealing. Being in the industry for over 20 years has given me a great deal of experience in front of the camera and valuable insight into filmmaking.”

 Nin said, “Coming from a creative background from Art, Design, Advertising and Branding it’s interesting to be involved in a new medium of production, where all areas of my experience will be in use. I am excited about this new endeavour as there are so many fascinating stories to be told on this creative journey. Always intrigued by the art of storytelling, I look forward to working with a multitude of talent across various projects.” Mount Zen Media was formed under the ideology of Zen, which tries to free the mind from the slavery of fixed notions and ideas and instead focuses on the intuitive process of creativity. One hopes Aftab and Nin achieve what they wanted to with their new endeavour.