As BJP patriarch L.K. Advani turned 93 on Sunday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi went to his residence in New Delhi to extend his greetings and was seen helping the veteran leader cut the birthday cake. The PM called him a “living inspiration” for crores of BJP workers and countrymen and wished him a long and healthy life.

Union Home Minister Amit Shah and BJP national president J.P. Nadda also went to Advani’s residence to wish him on the occasion.

PM Modi said the BJP veteran had helped the party reach the masses in the country and played a key role in the nation’s development.

“Went to Advani ji’s residence to wish him on his birthday. It is always a delight to spend time with him. For karyakartas like me, Advani ji’s support and guidance remain invaluable. His contributions to nation-building are immense,” Modi tweeted. He also tagged pictures taken on the occasion.

Both Shah and Nadda also met Advani to extend their wishes. Shah said that Advani played a crucial role in spreading the nationalist ideals of the BJP in India. Nadda called him an “inspiration for crores of BJP cadres”.

Advani was born on 8 November 1927 in Karachi, now in Pakistan. He is a founder-member of the BJP along with former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee.