In response to the escalating instances of illegal liquor smuggling within Chandigarh city, the administration has taken decisive action against key officials. Namdevrao Zade, Secretary of Excise and Taxation, and Vinay Pratap Singh, Commissioner of Excise and Taxation, have been relieved of their duties. The Chandigarh Administration Personnel Department issued an order on Monday effecting these changes.

According to the directives of the Chandigarh Administration Personnel Department, Ajay Chagti, IAS, will assume the responsibilities of Secretary of Excise and Taxation, while Rupesh Kumar will take over as Commissioner of Excise and Taxation. Notably, Rupesh Kumar, IAS, who had previously spearheaded several reforms within the Excise and Taxation Department, will resume his role as Commissioner, following a change initiated midway due to lobbying among officials.

The Election Commission has also weighed in on the issue, acknowledging data highlighting the prevalence of illegal liquor smuggling in Chandigarh. The order effecting these personnel changes was issued by Rajeev Verma, IAS, Advisor to the Administrator of the Union Territory of Chandigarh, with the concurrence of the Election Commission of India, New Delhi.

Chandigarh, often hailed as the “City Beautiful,” has unfortunately become a hub for illegal liquor smuggling over the years. Liquor is illicitly transported from Chandigarh UT to neighboring states such as Rajasthan and Gujarat, facilitated by the use of counterfeit e-way bills.

Despite efforts by the Excise Department and law enforcement, the smuggling activities persist, resulting in substantial revenue losses for the Chandigarh administration.
Authorities have pointed to collusion between the Excise Department and police as facilitating the smuggling operations. Last year alone, numerous instances of police personnel involvement in illegal liquor smuggling were uncovered. Additionally, several trucks were apprehended at liquor bottling plants in Panchkula and Narnaul in Haryana and Rajasthan, using forged documents bearing the same serial numbers. Furthermore, a contractor was arrested last year in possession of a significant quantity of illicit liquor.
Most recently, the Operation Cell team of the Chandigarh Police seized illegal liquor worth Rs 80 lakh, underscoring the ongoing challenges faced in combating this illicit trade.