Actor Aditi Rao Hydari on Monday shared a selfie with her rumoured boyfriend and actor Siddharth. Aditi took to Instagram and treated fans to a glimpse of date night with her homies. In the picture, Aditi can be seen posing with Siddharth and other friends. Sharing the photo, she wrote, “Homies.”

Aditi and Siddharth have remained tight-lipped about their relationship. If reports are to be believed, the two fell in love with each other on the sets of their film Maha Samundram in 2021.

A few months ago, on Siddharth’s birthday, Aditi shared an adorable video from their vacation to wish her “manicorn”. Taking to Insta, Aditi posted an unseen video where the duo can be seen dancing and jumping on streets.

Aditi and Siddharth have neither confirmed nor denied the rumours. Aditi was previously married to actor Satyadeep Mishra, who recently tied the knot with fashion designer Masaba.

Meanwhile, on the work front, Aditi is all set to star in the Indo-U.K co-production ‘Lioness’. Aditi also has Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s ‘Heeramandi’ in her kitty.