Adipurush is one of the most highly anticipated films. Yesterday, the final trailer of the film was unveiled by the makers. Also, Kriti Sanon, Prabhas, and director Om Raut interacted with the audience. At the final trailer launch, the gorgeous Kriti called Adipurush her ‘most special film’. She also talked about her co-star Prabhas. Kriti said that she was told Prabhas doesn’t talk much, but that is untrue.

Kriti said, “So I was told that Prabhas doesn’t talk too much. But that isn’t true at all. He talks a lot. And he genuinely is a darling, he is a sweetheart, he is someone who is just very warm, very sweet, very hardworking and a big foodie. We all know that. But mujhe hamesha laga unki aankhon mein jo calmness hai na. Ek calmness, ek purity which is there. I couldn’t imagine anyone else play Raghav.” The actress also called her family her biggest strength. “They are the reason I’m here today, they’re the reason I could follow my dream. They are the reason I could be in front of so many people and get so much love and they have been my constants.”

 For the unversed, in Adipurush, Prabhas plays Raghav, while Kriti Sanon is seen as Janaki. Saif Ali Khan plays Lankesh, while Sunny Singh will be seen as Shesh. The film will be releasing globally on 16th June 2023.