As per reports, Om Raut’s directorial Adipurush is eying close to Rs 100 crore opening in India. The film brings the tale of Ramayan to the big screen. For the unversed, early estimates reveal that the film is likely to record an opening day collection of Rs 95 crore in India alone. Trade expert Ramesh Bala revealed that the film is tracking a day 1 box office collection of Rs 40 crore. He took to his official Twitter handle and wrote, “#Adipurush Hindi early estimates for Day 1 is a huge ₹ 40 Crs Nett.. All-India.”
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According to a report in, the film could be close to Rs 150 crore. It stated, “The final overseas numbers are still to come but a ₹140 crore worldwide day one is there for the film and this number can go to 150 crore when all the collections are rounded up on Saturday.” Om Raut’s directorial stars Prabhas as Raghav while Kriti Sanon plays the role of Janaki. It also stars Saif Ali Khan as Raavan.
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