Hitting back at the Leader of Opposition in the Bengal Assembly and Bharatiya Janata Party MLA Suvendu Adhikari, Trinamool Congress MP Kunal Ghosh said on Sunday that Adhikari was suffering from “Abhishek Banerjee phobia.”
After Adhikari claimed that Trinamool Congress national general secretary Abhishek Banerjee’s son’s birthday party was organized at a five-star hotel in Kolkata, Ghosh retaliated and called it a “false claim.” “He is blatantly lying about Abhishek’s child’s birthday. There was not any birthday party at the venue, but Abhishek Banerjee, the Chief Patron of Diamond Harbor Football Club, met and interacted with DHFC football players at the Taj Hotel for the unique achievement in the Premier Division of the Calcutta Football League in its very first season,” Ghosh said while addressing a press conference here in Kolkata.
Ghosh also announced that flowers and greeting cards would be sent to him by post and other means starting Monday on behalf of the Unemployed Youth and Students Council to wish Suvendu good mental health.
“We will send him ‘get well soon’ starting tomorrow,” Ghosh added.
Earlier, Suvendu Adhikari claimed on Sunday that Abhishek Banerjee’s son’s birthday party was organised at a five-star hotel in Kolkata and a huge security force had been deployed for the same.
“Grand Celebrations tonight at Taj Bengal!!! Security has been beefed up for the Birthday Party of Koyla Bhaipo’s son. Over 500 Policemen, Bomb Squad & Dog Squad have been deployed to Guard the venue. Door Frame Metal Detectors & Hand-held Metal Detectors are in place,” Suvendu said in a tweet.
Adhikari further claimed that no formal order was issued for such arrangements and said, “Formal orders hasn’t been issued for such Security Movement. ’Mamata Police’ Officer, Jamal has been tasked to make the Security foolproof. Lady Kim’s family is following the footsteps of the Real Kim Jong-un of North Korea, at times beating him when it comes to grandeur & luxury,” Adhikari further tweeted.
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