Additional Deputy Commissioner (Urban Development) Damanjit Singh Mann has directed the Urban Local Bodies to ensure proper arrangements at Rain Baseras set up in their respective areas. While reviewing the progress of various parameters related to cleanliness under the Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban) and ongoing development works, the ADC emphasized that the temperature is decreasing day by day in the winter season, and it’s our duty to provide night shelter to abandoned persons wandering on the roads. He stressed that dedicated teams should visit city areas and bring persons sleeping under bridges or on footpaths to prevent any loss of life due to vehicular movement during odd hours or foggy weather.

Similarly, to prevent road accidents due to stray animals, urban local bodies should also take care to keep the animals away from the roads by shifting them to nearby Cattle Pounds. Alternatively, they can explore the use of illuminated collars or radium tape along their necks, he advised. The main aim is to save the lives of both humans and stray animals.

He also directed officials to arrange ambulances for large animals as well as for the sterilization of stray dogs. He emphasized that the requisite enclosures should be in place for providing temporary shelters to these animals.
ADC Mann also took stock of the status of upcoming Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) and Tubewells and asked the concerned local bodies as well as Punjab Water Supply and Sewerage Board Officials to start the remaining projects as early as possible by removing all bottlenecks.

While reviewing the works undertaken under the Swachh Bharat Mission, he urged urban local bodies to expedite the purchase of requisite machinery, including Mechanized Vehicles, to maintain cleanliness and ensure proper disposal of solid as well as liquid waste.
SDMs from Mohali, Derabassi, and Kharar; Chandrajyoti Singh, Himanshu Gupta, and Gurmandar Singh, besides Assistant Commissioner of MC Mohali Manpreet Singh, Executive Engineer Kamaldeep Singh, PPCB Executive Engineer Gursharan Dass, and EOs from Municipal Councils.