The encounter of Atif Ahmed’s son Asad in Jhansi was hailed by many including Bollywood Queen Kangana Ranaut. The actress praised Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath for “turning the mafia into dust.” Kangana took to her official Twitter handle and shared the video of Yogi Adityanath. In the video, Yogi Adityanath can be heard saying, “The mafioso whose name is emerging … is it not true that the Samajwadi Party had made him an MP… He was a mafioso nurtured by the SP. Our government is working to break their back. ‘Mitti me mila denge.” Lauding the same, the actress wrote, “No one like my Bhaiya
[Yogi Adityanath]….”
Here’s what Kangana Ranaut tweeted
For those unaware, last year, after Yogi Adityanath became the CM, the actress had met him and shared pictures. Along with the pictures, she had written, “Today I had the great fortune of meeting Maharaj [Narendra Modi] ji after his tremendous victory in recent elections…It was a wonderful evening Maharaj ji’s compassion, concerns and deep sense of involvement never ceases to amaze me ..I feel humbled honoured and inspired…”
Meanwhile, on the professional front, the actress’s upcoming projects include Emergency, which is directed by herself. It is based on the 1977 Indian Emergency. The film features Kangana in the role of former Indian PM Indira Gandhi. Emergency cast includes Anupam Kher, Visak Nair, and Shreyas Talpade among others. Besides this, she will be seen in P. Vasu’s Chandramukhi 2 with Raghava Lawrence.
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