Actor and model Poonam Pandey passed away on Friday at the age of 32 due to cervical cancer, according to her media manager. A post on Pandey’s official Instagram account read, “This morning is a tough one for us. Deeply saddened to inform you that we have lost our beloved Poonam to cervical cancer. Every living form that ever came in contact with her was met with pure love and kindness.
Reliance is expected to make an official announcement regarding JioCoin soon, where it will reveal…
Outgoing President Joe Biden has confirmed his attendance at the ceremony to ensure a peaceful…
The return of Pizarro’s statue to Lima’s main square has sparked mixed reactions, reflecting ongoing…
Trump's rally, featuring high-profile speakers and performers, sets the stage for his second term, previewing…
The Maha Kumbh, which began on January 13, will continue until February 26.
The sixth and youngest child of Mohammad Aslam from Budhal village in Rajouri district succumbed…