Actor-producer Pooja Bhatt took to Twitter on Wednesday to share the news of Faraaz Khan’s demise. Fareb actor Faraaz was being treated at a hospital in Bengaluru in early October after suffering multiple seizures. He was admitted in the ICU. Pooja tweeted, “With a heavy heart, I break the news that #FaraazKhan has left us for what I believe, is a better place. Gratitude to all for your help and good wishes when he needed it most. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers. The void he has left behind will be impossible to fill.”

Ailing actor Faraaz breathed his last in Bengaluru where he was battling a neurological disorder, confirmed Pooja. A few weeks ago, his brother Fahmaan Khan had shared details about the actor’s health and had requested financial help for the treatment. After Fahmaan’s appeal, Salman Khan had come forward to help with Faraaz’s medical expenses. Kashmera Shah revealed that Salman Khan also helped pay Faraaz’s medical bills: “Faraaz Khan of ‘Fareb’ fame is in critical condition and Salman has stood by his side and helped him like he helps so many others.” The family had also expressed gratitude towards Salman and Faraaz’s brother Fahmaan had said, “We will forever be grateful to Salman Khan. May God bless him and give him a long life.” The news of Salman paying for Faraaz’s treatment surfaced when Kashmera shared a post on social media saying that the superstar has decided to come to his aid. She wrote, “You are truly a great Human Being. Thank you for taking care of Faraaz Khan and his medical bills.” Faraz Khan had acted in films like ‘Mehndi ‘(1998), ‘Dulhan Banoo Main Teri’ (1999) and ‘Chand Bujh Gaya’ (2005) among others.

Shivani Mishra

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