Uttarakhand Additional Chief Secretary Radha Raturi reached the disaster control room at the secretariat on Friday to assess the ongoing rescue operation at the Silkyara tunnel collapse site. The Additional Chief Secretary inquired about the updated status of the ongoing rescue operation in Silkyara and the well-being of the workers trapped in the tunnel.
Officials apprised Additional Chief Secretary Radha Raturi that the excavation work with shotcreting for 40 metres of the collapsed tunnel is in progress. Raturi was informed that water, food, oxygen, and electricity are available to the workforce trapped inside the tunnel. Small food packets have also been sent inside the tunnel through a pipe with compressed air.
The under-construction tunnel between Silkyara and Dandalgaon on the Brahmakhal-Yamunotri national highway collapsed in the early hours of 12 November, trapping 40 labourers. ACS Raturi said that Chief Minister Dhami’s instructions are to provide timely cooperation and assistance to all technical agencies involved in rescue operations.