Taiwanese major Acer on Wednesday unveiled a range of laptops with the latest 11th Gen Intel processors aimed at consumers looking for power-packed performance in an ultra-thin design at a starting price of Rs 54,999. The newly launched laptops include Swift 5, Swift 3 X S, Swift 3 and Aspire 5. The Swift 5 features a 14-inch Full HD display and performance to effortlessly run demanding applications and provides up to 17 hours of battery life for all-day productivity. The Swift 5’s touchscreen display is covered with a layer of anti-microbial Corning Gorilla Glass, which has been specially formulated to reduce the growth of microorganisms. Additionally, users have the option to further include an anti-microbial solution on the touchpad, keyboard and all covers of the device. In addition, the Acer Aspire 5 features Full-HD 14-inch IPS panel using advanced technologies like Acer’s Colour Intelligence and eye care feature Acer BlueLightShield.
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