New Delhi: Acer has launched one more gaming laptop in India and this one comes is aimed to lure casual gamers. Named Acer Nitro 5, the laptop starts retailing at Rs 69,999 and carries highlights like the latest 11th Gen Intel Tiger Lake CPU and Nvidia GeForce GTX graphics card. Nitro 5 comes with some promising specifications for gamers, including a 144Hz refresh rate for blur-free gaming, a 3ms response time and an internal heat dissipation technology named CoolBoost to keep the laptop from overheating. Price at Rs 69,999, the Acer Nitro 5 variant is powered by the new 11th-gen Intel Core i5. Coupled to this is an 8GB RAM and a 512GB SSD configuration. Nitro 5 comes with a 15.6-inch IPS display that features a full-HD (1920×1080 pixels) resolution. In addition, it boasts of a 144Hz refresh rate along with a 3ms response time and 300 nits peak brightness.
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