The family of an accused, arrested in connection with the Bhiwani deaths case in which two charred skeletons were found inside a burnt car in Haryana, on Sunday alleged that their full-term pregnant daughter-in-law lost her child after she was assaulted by the Rajasthan Police during a raid on their house. Srikant’s mother Dulari has demanded action in this matter and registered a complaint at Nagina Police Station on Saturday alleging that her full-term pregnant daughter-in-law lost her child after she was assaulted by Rajasthan Police. Complainant Dulari said that at 3 am on the night of February 16, around 30-40 people of Rajasthan Police came and forcibly entered her house.
“When I told them that my son Shrikant was not at home, they started abusing and thrashing us. They also entered my pregnant daughter-in-law Kamlesh’s room and pushed and assaulted her. When Srikant was not found, the Rajasthan Police forcibly took away both my younger sons Vishnu and Rahul,” she claimed. “The cops also kicked the pregnant wife of Shri Kant in her stomach and she started having stomach pain. Because of the critical condition, she was referred to the Medical College in Nalhar where her child was born dead,” she added. She said that her daughter-in-law is still hospitalised in critical condition.
“There is no contact with both the sons Vishnu and Rahul. There is a demand from the Nuh Police administration that strict action should be taken against the Rajasthan policemen,” she said. The pregnant wife of accused Srikant said, “Some people came and they started fighting with my in-laws. They came to my door and pushed it, during which I got hurt in my stomach and my child died.” “I don’t know who pushed the door, or who hit me but they came at night to investigate. Why did they come at night? They came to find my husband Srikant. They started breaking the furniture and other things in the house,” added the wife of the accused in the Bhiwani incident. Refuting the allegations, Bharatpur SP Shyam Singh said the police went to the accused family’s home and returned after some questioning. “The police did not go inside the accused family’s home.
The accused was not at home. They found his brothers. Thus they did some questioning and then came back. They are levelling false accusations,” said Bharatpur SP. Meanwhile, Haryana Police said they had no involvement in this incident and assured that the state police are cooperating with Rajasthan Police in the investigation.
Speaking to the media, Varun Singla, SP Nuh said, “This is a very sad incident. The Haryana Police and Rajasthan police are cooperating in the investigation. According to our facts, the Haryana police and Nuh police had no involvement in this.” Singla further said that they will take action if there is any negligence from their side. “As the allegations are serious we have asked Additional SP for the investigation. Whatever leads he is getting via social media for the incident and allegations will be fixed. We will take action if there is any negligence from our side and our team,” he added. Earlier on Thursday, two skeletons were found inside a charred SUV in the Loharu area of the Bhiwani district. Later, investigations revealed that the skeletons were of two Muslim men– Junaid and Nasir– from Rajasthan’s Bharatpur, who were allegedly abducted. Rajasthan Police have made one arrest in the case.
Rajasthan Police on Friday said special teams had been formed to arrest suspects based on an FIR filed by a family in Rajasthan alleging that the deceased had been kidnapped from the state’s Bharatpur district.