Kota city police have arrested Akhilesh Kumar Singh, 32, one of the key accused in the Delhi Police recruitment exam scam, after he was on the run for two years. Singh, a resident of Bihar’s Jamui district and currently living in Rohini, Delhi, was apprehended in Haryana’s Jind district on Saturday.

According to Kota City Superintendent of Police (SP) Amrita Duhan, Singh was also wanted by Kota police in a separate case involving forged documents. He had rented premises from Messrs Om Kothari Foundation in Kota in 2020 to conduct an online examination. Along with a local associate, Himanshu Rathore, Singh allegedly forged the signature of an institute official to secure the location as a legitimate exam center for the Delhi Police recruitment exam.

The scam, which was uncovered in 2022, involved the manipulation of the recruitment exam process. It was discovered that the computers of certain candidates at the Kota exam center were connected online to gang members in Delhi, who solved the exam papers remotely.

Several arrests have already been made in connection with the scam by Delhi Police’s crime branch, SP Duhan said.