The Chittorgarh Sadar police arrested History sheeter Rashid Mohammad Kureshi, a resident of Surana, in connection with the alleged blackmail and sexual assault of a woman behind the Surana Petrol Pump, near the railway station under the jurisdiction of the Sadar police station. Superintendent of Police Rajan Dushyant stated that on September 3, a woman filed a complaint at the Sadar Chittorgarh police station alleging that Rashid Mohammad Kureshi had been harassing her and forcefully committing sexual assault on her. He had also assaulted her when she resisted. He had committed a similar offence approximately one and a half months ago and had assaulted her when she resisted then too. The accused had also taken her mobile phone.
Upon receiving the woman’s report, a case was registered, and immediate action was taken to investigate the case of sexual harassment. Under the supervision of Additional Superintendent of Police Buglal Meena and Deputy Superintendent of Police Karn Singh, the Sadar Chittorgarh police arrested the accused Rashid Mohammad, son of Naseem Mohammad Kureshi.
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