Satyaprem Ki Katha is ready to hit the theatres on June 29. Ahead of its release, Kiara Advani and Kartik Aaryan were seen attending the screening in Mumbai on a rain-soaked Monday night. Kiara was captured making way for the screening in her car as heavy rains lashed the city. The actress looked stunning in a beige skirt suit. She kept her hair loose and opted for minimal makeup. On the other hand, Kartik was spotted sporting a casual style for the screening. He slipped into a white t-shirt and blue jeans, completing the look with blue and white sneakers.
Have a look
Apart from Kartik and Kiara, Satyaprem Ki Katha also stars Supriya Pathak Kapur, Rajpal Yadav, Gajraj Rao, Siddharth Randheria, Anooradha Patel, Shikha Talsania, and Nirmiti Sawant in pivotal roles. In the film, Kartik will be seen romancing Kiara Advani. The film marks the actor’s second collaboration after the blockbuster ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2’, which was released in 2022.
The trailer of the film promises the arrival of a pure love story. With its music and mesmerizing visuals, the trailer says it all. SatyaPrem Ki Katha will surely set new standards with an interesting concept of love after marriage. It begins with Kartik Aaryan asking Kiara Advani if she is single. The actor asks the talented actress for her boyfriend’s name but then disapproves of their wedding hashtag. Further, Kiara reveals his name, Satyaprem, saying that their hashtag ‘Satyaprem Ki Katha’ is just perfect. It also shows glimpses of their chemistry and love story.
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