The shoot of ‘Bob Biswas’ wrapped up recently in Kolkata. Starring Abhishek Bachchan and Chitrangada Singh, the film was shot across 43 days in Kolkata. It is directed by Diya Annapurna Ghosh and is her directorial debut in terms of a feature film. Her previous short film was chosen for the Cannes Film Festival in 2018. The film had gone on floors in early 2020 but due to the pandemic was pushed ahead. The team resumed shoot in Kolkata on 23 November which got wrapped on 9 December. A lot of action sequences were shot across live locations in Kolkata. Red Chillies Entertainment took to its social media to share, “It’s a wrap on a very special film! #BobBiswas will see you soon. @juniorbachchan @ghosh09 @sujoy_g @_GauravVerma #BoundScriptProduction.” Bob Biswas was a fictional character in ‘Kahaani’, a poker-faced contract killer. ‘Bob Biswas’ is a first character-based spin-off film and will attempt to show the many facets of his dual nature. The film will be produced by Gauri Khan, Sujoy Ghosh and Gaurav Verma, it is a Bound Script production presented by Red Chillies Entertainment. It is slated to release mid next year.
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