MUMBAI: Actor Abhay Deol is all set to come up with new project, titled ‘Spin’. Taking to Instagram, Abhay unveiled the details of the upcoming project. He shared that ‘Spin’ will first be available to only US audience, and it will stream on Disney channel from August 13. He wrote: “I am aware that most of my audience love me for making edgy, alternative narratives, that challenge the status quo. Which is why this film is all the more special as it is a departure from my own status quo, and catering to a much younger audience.”
“Spin is a Disney film that will go live on their platform for US audiences on August 13. It is a gem of a movie, that will leave you smiling and feeling good. Blessed to be a part of it,” Abhay added. Spin is directed by Manjari Makijany.
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